QUARTERLY PARTNER AGENCY REPORT Agency Name Report Prepared By Email Address Phone QUARTER THIS REPORT COVERS: Final Quarter (Mar 1 - June 30) DUE 7/31 Quarterly Allocation (from previous quarter) $ Please give a detailed description and breakdown of how the quarterly allocation was used for the program and services rendered. (Include an itemized budget list) How many people has your organization helped with United Way Funds this quarter? Please describe any challenges you have faced in delivering services this quarter. Are there any highlights or success stories from this quarter that you would like to share? (We will be using this information for our newsletter & Facebook page) Upload image for story Upload Upload requirementsOne file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png. Have there been any changes in your organization this quarter? (i.e. new program, deletion of program, staff changes, funding issues, etc.) Do you have plans to conduct a fundraising event(s) next quarter? If so, please add a list containing the names and dates of the event(s) below. Please make sure to submit your supplemental fundraising to the United Way office as soon as possible. Please attach any flyers for upcoming events. Upload Upload requirementsOne file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, tif, txt, pdf, . Please list the total number of service units being measured. Please list the number of units for the quarter. Please list the total number of clients for the quarter. Additional information (Any additional information not included in report) Additional documents (Any additional documents that are relevant) Upload Upload requirementsOne file only.200 MB limit.Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods. Submit Report Leave this field blank